Actress Xoli Zondi-Zamisa joins Imbewe : The seeds

Actress Xoli Zondi-zamisa joins Imbewe : The seeds

Violet will come into the world of Imbewu when Menzi’s arch-nemesis Phakade digs up his past and uncovers her existence.

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Menzi’s estranged wife has a murky past marred by mental illness. Fans of the show will be introduced to Violet in a mental institution following his arrangement with the court, for her to be put under his care.

Her mental illness led her to be charged with murder after she burnt down the house of a woman she suspected was sleeping with her husband.

With MaZulu facing strong resistance from her family about her engagement to Menzi, will Violet be the solution the Bhengu’s have been wishing for?

And how will Menzi react to the unravelled truth about his wife, now that he has asked another woman to marry him?

Xoli confirmed she will be joining Imbewu: The Seed

Xoli she have been quiet for so long , She confirmed on Twitter her role and her joining Imbewe: The seeds.


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